STMicroelectronics' high-accuracy voltage regulator provides 250 mA of current STMicroelectronics' LDQ40 is a high-accuracy voltage regulator that pro...
Renesas Electronics RA8M1 Arm® Cortex®-M85 Microcontrollers (MCUs) are high-performance MCUs based on the Arm Cortex-M85 core with helium for comput...
Analog Devices Inc. ADA4351-2 Precision Programmable Gain Transimpedance Amplifier (PGTIA) is a compact, monolithic, dual-channel, precision PGTIA. Th...
STMicroelectronics STM32WL5MOC Multiprotocol LPWAN Dual-Core Modules feature two Arm® Cortex®-M cores, the M4 and M0+. These modules integrate a pow...
XC112 / XR112 Iloiloga Pusa mo le A111 Pulsed Coherent RadarAcconeer's XC112 ma XR112 pusa suʻega ma mafolafola uaea faʻalautele ma lagolago mo le o...